Monday, March 17, 2008

An Outing-Part II

Now, to get any type of transport to go anywhere, I must reach Ruby. That was 20 minutes walking and no transport was visible. I blinked at the dazzling sunlight and tried to think a solution. Unable to find one I recounted that famous line

“A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step”

and took the first step. It landed on a broken brick. After cursing that unfortunate brick (it was smashed under my weight) and its maker I started trudging.

After 10 minutes I barely covered 100 meters and was panting like dog. The sun was very benevolent, and finding shadows was harder than finding India winning in football.

After 20 minutes, I covered half the distance and decided that I should take rest if managed to find a shadow. I soon found one under a tree and rushed there. Rushing was not necessary as no one was in sight and the tree was not in any risk of being chopped down before I reach there.

While I should there, I managed to attract the attention of a female. She was looking at me with her bright green-blue eyes.[I know girls die for me and you don’t need to smirk; I appreciate complements].After contemplating for a few moments she decided to come nearer. I stroked her back and she meowed back.

[Now, don’t take it otherwise, but I love cats]

Soon, lorry was passing by. Seeing that and probably sensing that I have nothing to interest her gastronomically (ungrateful females!!!) she jumped on a fence and went away.

I started trudging again. A rickety dog started following me. I suspected that it was a member of anti-Cat Action Team (aCAT) and has probably labeled me as a cat-lover therefore a dog hater.

I discovered a biscuit in my bag from someone’s Tiffin. I decided to bribe the poor creature (if indeed it was from aCAT, it wasn’t very well off).It happily wagged the tail and perhaps forgot to report me.


Debankar said...

a very nice post ... full of subtle humour :)

Unknown said...

oshadharon re!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bt eto meye thakta sheshe kina vor dupure biraler preme?????????????????????????????